Thursday, January 31, 2008

What is the world coming to?

My eye caught this in the market today. Blah! This is taking "convenience food" to a new and disgusting level. Does anyone actually buy this stuff?


marcia said...

You have a kindred spirit in Jon Stewart from The Daily Show. He had the same reaction to that product and has been a running joke for a while.

And they blame overweight kids on McDonalds

Anonymous said...

Hi - you've hotlinked this image fom our site ( Please take your own copy. Cheers...

mi said...

Listen, I like sausage. I like chocolate pancakes. I even love most carnival food on a stick. But that looks really gross. Really people- if you can't take the few minutes it takes to make them these items individually and put them on a plate, just serve them some old fashioned cold cereal with milk. Even the sugary kind has got to be better than this!