Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sleeping kidlets...

I should be sleeping, too, after the night I had. Boo went to bed with a slightly sniffly nose, and woke up at 3 am throwing up mucus. The high point of the day was when Boo gushed mucus, soup, and tea all over herself, the couch, Magpie (he's back!), TT and ME! And I was being so careful about keeping the two kids apart so that TT wouldn't get sick. Well, here's hoping the breastfeeding keeps her healthy. On top of it all, it's raining and gloomy out, which I normally enjoy but am feeling awfully trapped at the moment. It's bitter cold out there, too. And I feel bad for Chuck (the dog) being stuck outside. Can't bring myself to let him in now, he'll wake the kidlets and I'll lose my 5 minutes of peace. Boo is stirring and sitting up... That wasn't even 5!!


mi said...

How sad. I hope Boo feels better soon and TT skates through without catching it.

Brandi said...

TT's a bit sneezy and snotty today... blah! I hate cold season!